TEACH DEMOCRACY – an interactive approach
Teach Democracy is a project of the Statehood No Other Way Foundation, a non-profit educational foundation located in Washington, DC dedicated to teaching America about the ongoing struggle by the people of the District of Columbia for equality and full participation in our Democracy.
The idea behind teachdemocracy.net is to bring democracy into the classroom. Through this website students can learn how our democracy was formed, how it grew and about the struggle for citizenship that continues even to this day.
At teachdemocracy.net we engage students in experiential learning by giving them the tools they need to get involved. Through music, art, activism, social interaction and inquiry, students can not only learn but also participate, and in the end, our hope is that you will get better students and America will get better citizens.
Democracy is a political system in which citizens are involved in making decisions about their affairs by voting to elect representatives to a parliament or similar assembly, like Congress. This is our form of government, which is called a Republic. Use teachdemocracy.net to inform on issues, subjects and news of Democracy which effects our country, it’s citizens and the world we live in. Our goal is to teach students how our democracy works and how they fit in as citizens. Knowledge is power and empowering students to become engaged and constructive citizens in our great democracy is the goal of
Teach Democracy.
Statehood No Other Way Foundation
4501 Western Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20016-4337